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COPY INTO <table>

This command loads data into Databend from files in a variety of locations.

See Also: COPY INTO location


Databend ensures idempotency for COPY INTO. The command will remember previous files processed for a default period of 7 days (configurable via the global setting load_file_metadata_expire_hours). This means duplicate files can be detected and skipped if you run the command multiple times against the same files. If your files come from a stage, you can also use the PURGE option to purge them after data loading. See copyOptions for details.

Supported File Locations

Your data files must be located in one of these locations for COPY INTO to work:


COPY INTO [<database>.]<table_name>
FROM { internalStage | externalStage | externalLocation }
[ FILES = ( '<file_name>' [ , '<file_name>' ] [ , ... ] ) ]
[ PATTERN = '<regex_pattern>' ]
[ FILE_FORMAT = ( TYPE = { CSV | TSV | NDJSON | PARQUET | XML} [ formatTypeOptions ] ) ]
[ copyOptions ]



internalStage ::= @<internal_stage_name>[/<path>]


externalStage ::= @<external_stage_name>[/<path>]


AWS S3 Compatible Object Storage Service

externalLocation ::=
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>'
SESSION_TOKEN = '<your-session-token>'
REGION = '<region-name>'
s3://<bucket>[<path>]External files located at the AWS S3 compatible object storage.Required
ENDPOINT_URLThe bucket endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Required
ACCESS_KEY_IDYour access key ID for connecting the AWS S3 compatible object storage. If not provided, Databend will access the bucket anonymously.Optional
SECRET_ACCESS_KEYYour secret access key for connecting the AWS S3 compatible object storage.Optional
SESSION_TOKENYour temporary credential for connecting the AWS S3 serviceOptional
REGIONAWS region name. For example, us-east-1.Optional
ENABLE_VIRTUAL_HOST_STYLEIf you use virtual hosting to address the bucket, set it to "true".Optional

Azure Blob storage

externalLocation ::=
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCOUT_NAME = '<your-account-name>'
ACCOUNT_KEY = '<your-account-key>'
azblob://<container>[<path>]External files located at the Azure Blob storage.Required
ENDPOINT_URLThe container endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Required
ACCOUNT_NAMEYour account name for connecting the Azure Blob storage. If not provided, Databend will access the container anonymously.Optional
ACCOUNT_KEYYour account key for connecting the Azure Blob storage.Optional

Google Cloud Storage

externalLocation ::=
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
CREDENTIAL = '<your-credential>'
gcs://<bucket>[<path>]External files located at the Google Cloud StorageRequired
ENDPOINT_URLThe container endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Optional
CREDENTIALYour credential for connecting the GCS. If not provided, Databend will access the container anonymously.Optional

Huawei Object Storage

externalLocation ::=
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-id>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>'
obs://<bucket>[<path>]External files located at the obsRequired
ENDPOINT_URLThe container endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Required
ACCESS_KEY_IDYour access key ID for connecting the OBS. If not provided, Databend will access the bucket anonymously.Optional
SECRET_ACCESS_KEYYour secret access key for connecting the OBS.Optional

Remote Files

externalLocation ::=

You can use glob patterns to specify moran than one file. For example, use

  • ontime_200{6,7,8}.csv to represents ontime_2006.csv,ontime_2007.csv,ontime_2008.csv.
  • ontime_200[6-8].csv to represents ontime_2006.csv,ontime_2007.csv,ontime_2008.csv.


externalLocation ::=
CONNECTION = (ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<your-ipfs-gateway>')

FILES = ( 'file_name' [ , 'file_name' ... ] )

Specifies a list of one or more files names (separated by commas) to be loaded.

PATTERN = 'regex_pattern'

A PCRE2-based regular expression pattern string, enclosed in single quotes, specifying the file names to match. Click here to see an example. For PCRE2 syntax, see


See Input & Output File Formats.


copyOptions ::=
[ SIZE_LIMIT = <num> ]
[ PURGE = <bool> ]
[ FORCE = <bool> ]
[ ON_ERROR = { continue | abort } ]
SIZE_LIMITSpecifies the maximum rows of data to be loaded for a given COPY statement. Defaults to 0 meaning no limits.Optional
PURGEIf True, the command will purge the files in the stage after they are loaded successfully into the table. Default: False.Optional
FORCEDefaults to False meaning the command will skip duplicate files in the stage when copying data. If True, duplicate files will not be skipped.Optional
ON_ERRORProvides options to handle a file containing errors. Select continue to skip the file and continue, or abort (default) to abort the load operation.Optional

The parameter ON_ERROR currently does not work for parquet files.


Loading Data from an Internal Stage

COPY INTO mytable FROM @my_internal_s1 pattern = 'books.*parquet' file_format = (type = 'PARQUET');

Loading Data from an External Stage

COPY INTO mytable FROM @my_external_s1 pattern = 'books.*parquet' file_format = (type = 'PARQUET');

Loading Data from External Locations

AWS S3 compatible object storage services

This example reads 10 rows from a CSV file and inserts them into a table:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/data.csv'
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>')
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1) size_limit=10;

This example reads 10 rows from a CSV file compressed as GZIP and inserts them into a table:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/data.csv.gz'
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>')
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1 compression = 'GZIP') size_limit=10;

This example loads data from a CSV file without specifying the endpoint URL:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/data.csv'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1) size_limit=10;

This is an example loading data from a Parquet file:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/data.parquet'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>')

Azure Blob storage

This example reads data from a CSV file and inserts it into a table:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 'azblob://mybucket/data.csv'
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<account_name>'
ACCOUNT_NAME = '<account_name>'
ACCOUNT_KEY = '<account_key>'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV);

Remote Files

As shown in this example, data is loaded from three remote CSV files, but a file will be skipped if it contains errors:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM '{6,7,8}_200.csv'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV) ON_ERROR=continue;


This example reads data from a CSV file on IPFS and inserts it into a table:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 'ipfs://<your-ipfs-hash>' connection = (endpoint_url = 'https://<your-ipfs-gateway>')
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1);

Loading Data with Pattern Matching

This example uses pattern matching to only load from CSV files containing sales in their names:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/'
PATTERN = '.*sales.*[.]csv'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1);

Where .* is interpreted as zero or more occurrences of any character. The square brackets escape the period character (.) that precedes a file extension.

If you want to load from all the CSV files, use PATTERN = '.*[.]csv':

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/'
PATTERN = '.*[.]csv'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1);


Here are some tutorials to help you get started with COPY INTO: